Sunday, January 09, 2011

hey'hey'hey ! :D
how are you people ? good ? 0.0
i'm finee here . kinda . cos i just lost my samsung monte ! hmpf .
it's not even 1 year i use it . i lost everything ! busted ! whoever found it and use it , tak selamat arh kat dunia !
i meant my words !

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

erm,guys ?
sorry ehk for not updating my freaking DEAD blog ! :(
i got a reason for that .
my reason is that,i seldom on my computer cos now i using my phone instead to play internet .
tats the reason why . so yeah ! :D
okay...lets talk about other things . hmm...what to talk about arh ??? ouhh yah ! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL ! hahaha !
erm,just now was the first day of reopen school . lyke duh ! hahaaha ! okay larh but i was rushing when getting ready to school and i donnoe why . =.=
Ssec 1 hu entered my school semuernyer okay arh . mostly i kenal . takd minah oi ! tapy mat ader arh . yang lain semuer selenger bacin nak mampos ! hahaha ! siak jek aku .
planning to kacau but tak jady . mcm kecian gytuu . hahaha ! lain kali arh . ;P.
aper lagy ehk aku nak bobual ?
ouhh yah ! i will be having camp on the 12-14 january at labrador ! jauh sak . my mum said tempat tuu 'KERAS' ! WTH ! =.= buat bodoh arh . dher tak kacau aku,aku tak kacau dher . simple as that . betol tak ? hahaha ! :P
i think thats all arh i want to bobual . kalaw aku bobual lagy , nanty korang sumer akan ckp aku bobual WORLD ! hahaha !
can't wait for tomorrow ! weeeee ~ :D